With property prices losing touch with reality in many markets, some children have been leaning on their parents for a deposit, simply just to get access to the market they wouldn’t otherwise be able to crack. It’s something that might be termed a living inheritance. But is physical real estate the only way for young people to set themselves up well financially? As a parent willing to contribute to your son/daughter’s deposit on physical real estate, would you consider, as an alternative, contributing to their investment portfolio?
2023 Q4 Quarterly Review
2023 End of Year Wrap
Superstitious about a Time of Year?
2023 Q3 September Quarter Review
US still performing strongly while EU economy struggles.
AI driven rally fades as global share markets post small loss in Q3.
Energy posts strong gains with oil production cuts.
Bond prices pushed down again with rate expectations.
Australian property prices still moving upward, with Hobart the exception.
The SPIVA Mid-Year Scorecard and a brief look at fund survivorship.
Information, Health & Hygiene
Doctors and financial advisers are at the front line of diagnosing problems and offering solutions to lead healthier and wealthier lives. They are also on the frontline for diagnosing misinformation. Yet, financial advice can be regarded as an intangible because you rarely get to see the sliding door or “what if?” scenario. It is only when you see or hear of someone else ‘‘blowing themselves up’’, do you realise how valuable it is.